Elliott's Blog | Life Through Math, Algorithms and Code


I was working on the new profile picture feature of the registration and CFUnited 2009 website when I ran into an issue where a user uploaded a 2112 x 2816 (2MB) photo. This seemed to cause file locking issues in cfimage which I was told were addressed by CF 8.0.1 Cumulative Hot Fix 1. I […]

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Frameworks for SOA Platforms

Presentation Code Samples This session will be a look at building service oriented platforms for developing applications and services. It’ll look at methods for constructing modular components, integrating these components, and leveraging them for applications and web services. The Shared Application Architecture platform which powers all the CFUnited conference websites will be used as a […]

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Here are the presentations I’ve done for various conferences including cf.Objective() 2011, CFUnited 2010, CFUnited 2008 and BFusion 2008. Available Presentations 1.0 Reasons to try AngularJS Building High Availability Services Designing Scalable and Creative Algorithms Frameworks for SOA Platforms I bet you didn’t know you could do that with ColdFusion Internals of the Adobe ColdFusion […]

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Presentation Code Samples ColdFusion provides a very powerful, flexible and dynamic language. However, many developers rarely use a large portion of the features. Many problems can be solves with these features better, faster, or with less code. Sometimes they’re just plain cool too! Includes Closures, Function Pointers, Date Loops and other advanced techniques. Old bFusion […]

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Internals of the Adobe ColdFusion Server

Presentation Code Samples Recording To many CF developers the ColdFusion server is a block box that just works. This presentation takes a look at how the internals of the engine operate. The presentation covers how variables, scopes, functions, cfcs, custom tags, includes and java objects are implemented and how we can use this knowledge to […]

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Just found this bug today…. So CF8 outputs the cfcatch.message into the Reason-Phrase portion of the HTTP Response, however it does not strip new lines (LF or CR). A web server, however, should never send new lines in the Reason-Phrase [1], and should probably be truncating that error message at a certain length. [1] RFC2616, […]

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While working on the template system used for the conference websites I ran across a problem where I needed the path to the template that called a custom tag. The first thing I tried was getCurrentTemplatePath() thinking that it might return that since the documentation makes no mention of custom tags. Instead, however, the function […]

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With the recent launch of Apollo Beta I thought I’d look into Flex again for some fun and decided I’d write plist api so that Apollo applications could read and modify OS X plists in a sane maner. PList XML is particularly problematic because of how its structured: <dict> <key>Foods</key> <array> <dict> <key>Chocolate</key> <true/> </dict> […]

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I Object!

While doing some casual web surfing I came across a rather interesting blog entry about Ruby’s types and looping. I started typing a reply, and then I realized it was really long, so I’m putting it here: One reason I think methods like this are great is that Ruby is intended to be read! Which […]

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About Me

My name is Elliott, and I work for Google on the Blink rendering engine for Google Chrome and occasionally with the Polymer Project. Formerly I was the Tech Lead for Google Feedback where I built an HTML rendering engine in JavaScript. I also worked on AngularJS and wrote their End2End test runner. If you’re super […]

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