Elliott Sprehn
{{activeSlide + 1}} / {{totalSlides}}
What is Google Feedback ?
Screenshots in JavaScript (on the web)
Why screenshots
- More useful feedback
- Users write bad descriptions
- Annotations show location of issues
Why client side
- Privacy
- Blackouts
- Scalability
- Cross platform
What about extensions
- Angry users don't install things
- Lots of browsers to support
- Policies prevent installs
Feedback internals
Clone the page
Lost clone state
- Properties vs attribtues
- Scroll position
- Stylesheets
Measuring text
- OR -
Proxy and serialize images
- Proxy cross domain images
- Use an iframe on the proxy domain
- Serialize same domain images
data urls
Element tree
Render tree
Create primitive commands
Drawing state machine
- Play commands against canvas
- Limited drawing operations (7)
- Separate control operations (4)
Serialize commands
Serialized commands (2)
Optimize commands
Image compression
- JPEG Encoder in JS (Adobe)
- toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.2)
Async Executor
Async drawing
Async DOM Traversal
Async DOM Traversal (2)
Async DOM Traversal (3)
Memory issues
- 14MB of JSON
- Massive data URLs
- 1GB buffer allocations (canvas)
- Cache as much as possible
Performance issues
- Opacity is super slow
- Use two modes: compute → draw
- Impose deadlines
Why deadlines
- Abort slow async tasks
- FF13, Chrome, Safari 5.1 are fast
- IE8 and Firefox 3 are super slow
- IE9 is (somewhat) better
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